SEaSIDE project ‘Smart Electro-expulsive System for SAT Aircrafts De-Icing’ is part of the Clean Sky 2 Program.
The Project aims at expanding as much as possible the safe operation in all weather, and much more in icing conditions, of the small aircrafts category (SAT) by developing an innovative compact and low cost “Hybrid Electro-Expulsive De-Icing System”.
Objective of SEASIDE project is to analyze, design, develop, test in an Ice Wind Tunnel Test (IWT) and deliver to the Topic Manager (Piaggio Aerospace) a prototype of Hybrid (thermal and electro-expulsive) De-Icing system having the following expected targets: A continuous Power demand for meter on wing span of 0.6KW.
SEaSIDE consortium coordinated by Protom has successfully accomplished the project PDR in April 2020 freezing the system configuration and interface and giving start to the detailed design phase of the project.

Preliminary Design Review
Milestone Preliminary Design Review (PDR) concluded on 13th May 2020.
Static Ice Tests (SITs) are currently ongoing in Villinger laboratory and the expected end date is 30/10/2020 by when will be held also the Critical Design Review (CDR).
Once the system architecture and functionalities of the de-icing system will be frozen, the manufacturing of the final demonstrator, as well as the related testing activities at wind tunnel test chamber, will be carrying out.
In parallel to the above tasks, P180 on-board integration assessment of both SW and HW of the prototypal ice protection system and the corresponding system safety assessment will be performed.
Critical Design Review (CDR) held in December 2020
The system architecture and functionalities has been frozen, the manufacturing of the final demonstrator, as well as the related testing activities at wind tunnel test chamber, will start soon
Static Ice Test
A Static Ice Test (SIT) campaign was set up to get fast and cheap results to prove the effectiveness of the combined Electro – Mechanical Ice Protection System (EMIPS) and the Electro – Thermal Ice Protection System (ETIPS) prior to verify the de- icing effectiveness in the CIRA’s Ice Wind Tunnel. Therefore, a smallscale demonstrator having a length of 1200mm was manufactured according to the geometry of the P180 Leading Edge (LE). This LE was fitted with 8 actuators of the EMIPS together with the thermal parting strip of the ETIPS to simulate
The action of the SeaSide anti-ice system
The SIT campaign consisted in a total of 7 test runs performed in the Villinger´s Static Ice Test Chamber. The first test had been made without the contribute of the thermal parting strip to get a first feeling of the effectiveness of the EMIPS to break out the ice layer covering the LE surface. The next tests had been performed to optimize the EMIPS actuation law. After that, the thermal parting strip had been activated to check the performance of the combined (hybrid) ice protection system.
The SEaSIDE Consortium
SEaSIDE Consortium is made by the following partners; they all share a deep knowledge in aerospace systems development and integration, and in aircraft icing. SEaSIDE Consortium is willing to take advantage of this opportunity to bring on the market innovative and reliable technologies for aircraft Ice Protection Systems at a relatively low cost. In fact, The Partners aim at becoming one of the European supply chain reference for the small aircraft community.
Protom has developed an extensive experience in design & project management. It has developed an extensive know-how in aerospace strictures & system, being able to carry on the entire process from the overall design of a product or sub-assembly to the specific design of detail parts.

The SEaSIDE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 738043