M.I.B. project “Modular Iron Bird” is in continuity with the activities performed by Protom in Clean Sky2, specifically in the COSTAR project, which has the scope of developing an innovative kind of smart electromechanical actuators for the RACER Fast Rotorcraft.

MIB Project aims at offering to the small-medium aeronautical manufacturers a flexible test tool to perform engineering or qualification tests, either before the formal equipment qualification or the equipment installation on the first prototype of the aircraft.
Therefore MIB Consortium will define, design and realize a Modular Equipment Test Laboratory able to test the flight controls equipment that are designed to be employed on both General Aviation Aircrafts and UAVs. This tool is specifically tailored to simplify the testing of electromechanical actuators.

The MIB Structures, that reproduces a portion of the wing box or the stabilizers.

The Data Acquisition System, to record all the test parameters and to make the data available for the post-processing.

The Test Management System, to operate and control the equipment under test.

The Operator Control Console, to set up the simulation parameters and to plot on video in real time the results of the simulation.

The Electrical and Hydraulic Power Generation Systems.
The MIB laboratory
The output of the MIB project is a laboratory for carrying out validation tests on electromechanical actuators for safety critical systems.
The laboratory consists of a testing room where it is possible to simulate a range of loads through a hydraulic circuit and validate the performance of electromechanical actuators by managing the control laws with a computer.

The M.I.B. Consortium
Protom has developed an extensive experience in design & project management. It has developed an extensive know-how in aerospace strictures & system, being able to carry on the entire process from the overall design of a product or sub-assembly to the specific design of detail parts.

La pubblicazione è stata realizzata con il cofinanziamento dell’Unione Europea, dallo Stato Italiano e dalla Regione Campania nell’ambito del POR Campania FESR 2014 -2020.