The DEVILS project ‘DEvelopment of VHBR engines Innovative Lubrication System’ is part of the Clean Sky 2 Program. The aim of the project is to develop a variable flow rate pump for the oil lubrication system of VHBR engines.
The DEVILS project has to fulfill four goals.
- Development of a model based systems engineering (MBSE) tool to aid the evaluation and selection of candidate VHBR system architectures.
- Development of methods and techniques required to achieve variable flows that will allow oil feed and scavenge systems to be optimized around the flight envelope.
- Demonstration of a variable flow intelligent oil system and advanced control scheme showing how operation can be optimized across a range of simulated flight conditions.
Research into autonomous fault detection and correction for future Oil Systems.

Final Demonstration
On May 2021 DEVILS consortium achieved an important project milestone: Final Demonstration
Tests of the DEVILS project demonstrator have been performed during the month of April and May 2021 in Abete laboratory facilities (near Napels). Thanks to these tests on the demonstrator it has been possible to validate the performance and feature of the Variable Flow Oil Pump developed in DEVILS project.
Test Readiness Review (TRR)
On March 2021 DEVILS consortium achieved an important project milestone: Test Readiness Review (TRR)
Due to Covid 19 outbreak the TRR has been held by videocall the 31st March 2021 with all the Partners and the Topic Manager. The TRR meeting has been an important and significative moment for the DEVILS project, at the TRR it has been presented the final DEVILS project demonstrator architecture and the availability of all the HW items to be tested, above all the Variable Flow Oil Pump main objective of DEVILS project. TRR has been approved by the Topic Manager and the Partner could start assembly the final DEVILS project demonstrator in Abete laboratory facility.
The overall objective of project DEVILS Project is to develop an innovative variable flow rate oil pump to be integrated in a high performance aircraft lubrication system; the aim is to reduce both fuel and oil consumption.
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Critical Design Review (CDR)
On September 2019 DEVILS consortium achieved an important project milestone: Critical Design Review (CDR)
The Critical Design Review (CDR) for DEVILS project has been held on the 16th September 2019 in Protom facilities near Naples (Italy). During the Detailed Design phase, after the PDR, both the Designs of the Variable Oil Flow Pump, the ECU and the Heat Exchanger have been finalized and final 3D models and 2D drawings of all the items to be manufactured have been finalized and approved by the Topic Manager (Rolls Royce) at the CDR. During the Detailed Design Phase it has also been finalized the architecture of the final DEVILS project demonstrator.
The overall objective of project DEVILS Project is to develop an innovative variable flow rate oil pump to be integrated in a high performance aircraft lubrication system; the aim is to reduce both fuel and oil consumption.
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On April 2018 DEVILS consortium achieved an important project milestone: the freezing of the oil lubrication system architecture and the geometry of the variable flow rate pump.
The current trend of developing aircraft engines that consume less fuel put a lot of pressure on the oil lubrication system cooling requirements due to higher speeds, loads, and temperatures in the engines. This is also true for Very High By-pass Engines due to the integration of high-power gearboxes and high-power starter-generators.
For this reason Engine manufacturers are looking for innovative design for oil lubrication systems implementing architectures that are able to meet the new cooling and lubricating requirements without impacting neither on the Engine weight nor on operational and maintenance costs.
The overall objective of project DEVILS Project is to develop an innovative variable flow rate oil pump to be integrated in a high performance aircraft lubrication system; the aim is to reduce both fuel and oil consumption.
Preliminary Design Review (PDR)
On March 2018 DEVILS consortium achieved an important project milestone: Preliminary Design Review (PDR)
The Preliminary Design Revie (PDR) for DEVILS project has been held on the 20th March 2018 in Abete facilities near Naples (Italy). During the preliminary design activities that last 12 months different architecture of the Variable Flow Oil Pump (responsibility of Abete) were investigated and analysed, the most promising have been trade-off and the final pump configuration has been frozen at the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) meeting with the approval of the Topic Manager (Rolls Royce). The same process has bee followed for the Heat Exchanger for the demonstrator (responsibility of TAT) and for the Electronic Control Unit (responsibility of Euro.soft) also for these two items configuration has been frozen at the PDR.
The overall objective of project DEVILS Project is to develop an innovative variable flow rate oil pump to be integrated in a high performance aircraft lubrication system; the aim is to reduce both fuel and oil consumption.
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Specification Review Meeting
At Airbus Helicopters premises of Marignane (France), partners meet in order validate the preliminary requirements of the progest.
Kick off meeting
On March 2017 DEVILS consortium achieved an important project milestone: kick off meeting
The kick off meeting for DEVILS project has been held on the 1st March 2017 in Rolls Royce facilities in Bristol (UK). At the meeting where present all the DEVILS project partners (Protom, Abete, CNR, Unina, Euro.soft and TAT technologies) and Rolls Royce representatives. At the kick-off meeting have been formalized the project requirements and the schedule for the detailed activities.
The overall objective of project DEVILS Project is to develop an innovative variable flow rate oil pump to be integrated in a high performance aircraft lubrication system; the aim is to reduce both fuel and oil consumption.
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The DEVILS Consortium
The DEVILS Consortium comprises of the following partners; they all share a deep knowledge in the aerospace and hydraulic fields.
Project Coordinator for Devils, Protom has developed an extensive experience in design & project management. It has developed an extensive know-how in aerospace structures & system, being able to carry on the entire process from the overall design of a product or sub-assembly to the specific design of detail parts.
A.Abete S.r.l. risponde alle difficili richieste dell’industria aerospaziale. Grazie a più di 50 anni di esperienza nel settore delle lavorazioni meccaniche di precisione, l’Azienda è oggi un riferimento a livello internazionale nella progettazione e realizzazione di componenti e assiemi per motori e parti strutturali dei velivoli.
Technologies Group is a Fast Growing & Profitable Leading Provider of Thermal Management Solutions and Power & Actuation Services. TAT Technologies is a strategic global partner to leading players in the aerospace industry and specializes in innovative commercial, defense, OEM and MRO solutions.
The Department of industrial Engineering – Aerospace Section is an important player in the European Scientific Community. More than eighty years of continuing research and developments have built a solid tradition of excellence based upon a strong relationship between the academic community, the aerospace industry and the research centres.
The CNR is the largest public research institution in Italy, focusing on promoting innovation and competitiveness of the national industrial system, internationalization of the national research system, and providing technologies and solutions to emerging public and private needs
Project updates
Click on the yellow button to download the Devils project kit

The DEVILS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 737972